Analisis Konten Peraturan Daerah Perlindungan dan Pemberdayaan Petani di Jawa Tengah (Peraturan Daerah Tahun 2015-2022)

Fipi Bela Rosanti, Rutiana Dwi Wahyunengseh


Central Java Province has become one of the national food reservoirs. Ironically, based on farmers' welfare indicators, the characteristics of poor households are based on income, with the majority working in the agricultural sector. The reason is that there are still problems and challenges in the agricultural sector. Therefore, there is a need for policies that can help the condition. In an attempt to intervene in the welfare of farmers, the local government has issued policies relating to the protection and empowerment of the farmers. There are 18 districts in Central Java that have issued regional regulations. In this study using the method of content analysis from Krippendorff (2004) to look at the portrait of the strategy of protection and empowerment of farmers in Central Java. An analysis was carried out to see potential strategies in regional regulation in solving problems and challenges in the agricultural sector. The findings show that strategies for protecting farmers and empowering farmers in general have the potential to address problems and challenges in the agricultural sector. Further policies need to lead to digital farming and specifically regulate issues in the agricultural subsector.


content analysis, local regulations, farmers, farmer protection strategies, farmer empowerment strategies.

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