Pendorong dan Penghambat Kesuksesan Pelaksanaan Corporate University Di Lembaga Pemerintah Indonesia

Asih Setiawati


Corporate University (CorpU) began to become an important discourse in the development of the State Civil Aparatus (ASN) in Indonesia since 2014. However, there is still little empirical research on this type of organization. This study focuses on identifying the CorpU model that fits the Indonesian context using the previously described theoretical model. The main research question is what are the drivers and barriers to the implementation of CorpU in Indonesia? By applying a literature review approach, data were collected from 21 documents on the implementation of CorpU in Indonesia, which is collected from 14 institutions that have or are about to implement CorpU in Indonesia.

The literature was analyzed to find the factors that encourage and hinder the implementation of CorpU. The results show a number of factors that encourage and hinder the implementation of CorpU in government institutions in Indonesia. The driving factors are (a) availability of human resources, (b) imitation effect, (c) experience in blended learning, (d) institutional encouragement, and (e) top management support. Meanwhile, the five most important inhibiting factors are (a) weak networks and partnerships, (b) weak infrastructure, (c) lack of innovation, (d) fear of change, and (e) unclear administrative responsibilities. The results of this study can help institutions government to develop CorpU as a HR development strategy in institutions in order to adapt to the rapidly growing knowledge and needs of the human resources they have. In addition, suggestions for further research are given.


corporate university, human resource development, ASN, training, learning

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