E-Gov Implementation Analysis Through SILPa KAMI Application in DISKOMINFOARPUS, Cimahi City

Yunni Susanty, Yuyu Yuningsih


The development of information and communication technology (ICT) has been implemented in various fields, including in government. To support the implementation of e-Government (e-Gov) and improve the quality of public services, many technology-based applications have been created by government agencies, both central and local governments. DISKOMINFOARPUS Cimahi City built an application called SILPa KAMI to support the vision of Cimahi Smart City. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method that aims to determine how the implementation and sustainability of the SILPa KAMI application and what kind of characteristics the agencies should have so it can replicate this application. The results of the study reveal that the implementation of the SILPa KAMI application is running well because it has fulfilled various success factors of e-Gov implementation which is also marked by the sustainability even though there are still obstacles. Also, the use of ICT based on the e-leadership aspect, the information network infrastructure aspect, the information management aspect, the business environment aspect, as well as the community and human resources aspect has been optimally utilized. This application is relatively easy to be replicated by other agencies. The agencies that can replicate this application must have the availability of budget, the availability of related facilities and infrastructure and the availability of reliable ICT managers.


e-Government; Government; Application

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.31845/jwk.v24i2.696


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