Fungsi Komunikasi dalam Organisasi melalui Grup Percakapan WhatsApp Biro Fasilitasi Kebijakan Energi dan Persidangan Sekretariat Jenderal Dewan Energi Nasional

Thoriq Ramadani


This research seeks to reveal the communication functions within the organization through the WhatsApp conversation group for Bureau for Energy Policy Facilitation and Trials at the Secretariat General of the National Energy Council. The study uses a qualitative approach with a case study method in the Bureau of Energy Policy and Trial Facilitation. Data were collected through interviews with key informants and documentations. Based on the analysis of communication functions within the organization in this WhatsApp conversation group, the finding shows that the organizational communication functions in the WhatsApp conversation group consisted of informative, regulative, persuasive, and integrative functions as a tool to accelerate information flow. Active participation of all group members is desirable, even though the security of the WhatsApp conversation group is still a concern. WhatsApp conversation groups provide sufficient information needed by employees in carrying out tasks, although as a means of informal communication, it cannot be used as work materials. Thus, it must be supported by further data from the internal application and direct order from the Bureau Chief as part of the confirmation.



Communication functions, Organizational Communication, WhatsApp

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